ITI Admission Qualification, Course time, Fees

ITI Admission Qualification

Any students who passed 8th, 10th and 12th class can apply for admission. ITI admission qualification depends on different courses. You can do many ITI Courses after 10th. There are total 6 ITI courses after 8th you can do. If you do graduation than you have benefit of it, because the highest qualification help in merit list. any student after 12th bio, art and commerce can join ITI. after 10th class every highest qualification can add 3 or 5 marks in merit list of ITI counselling. if you have marks below 60% you get 3 marks extra and if you have marks greater than 60% you got 5 marks extra in ITI merit counselling.

ITI class time table

ITI class timing is regular from 9 AM to 5PM from Monday to Friday and lunch brake of one hour from 1PM to 2PM . Every govt. holiday is same for ITI students. Students can get 10 casual leave in a year. also can get medical leave and other leave by giving a Genuine reason.

How much percentage required for ITI

Any student who passed 8th and 10th class with minimum percentage 33% can apply for ITI course. but admission you got by merit list. I have 52% marks in 12th and 75% marks in 10th class and I do Plumber and COPA trade from Govt. ITI Jind.

Which is best ITI or polytechnic

After ITI you can do CTI to become an instructor in ITI College. also you can join any company after complete CTS course. As an average student it is best to join ITI because there is more chance to get job after complete ITI compare to polytechnic.

ITI one year fees

There is two option to join ITI Private or Government. If you admission in Govt ITI you charge 150 Rupees regular fee for every three months. The total expands in ITI for complete one year is 100 Rupees you pay to fill admission form, 150*4=600 Rupees fees for one year. The total money you pay 1000 Rs/- to complete one year course in any stream in ITI. but this criteria is valid for only general category students, if you are from any category like SC, OBC and if you are a girl, you not need to pay any fees. also there is a benefit for these students that they get stipend 1000 rupees in their bank account.

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