Workshop calculation and science 2nd year mock test PDF

Workshop calculation and science 2nd year mock test pdf download free for CTS Engineering trade students. This Bharat skills workshop calculation and science MCQ pdf is helpful for ITI 2023 exam paper preparation.

Workshop calculation and science 2nd year mock test PDF

1. Which is the law of friction?
a) Friction force is independent over the area and shape of contacting surfaces
b) Friction force is inversely proportional to the normal reaction
c) Friction force acts in the same direction of motion
d) Friction force is not a dependent on nature on contacting surface

2. What is the direction of frictional force against a motional object?
a) Inclined to the object
b) Opposite to the object
c) Parallel to the object
d) Perpendicular to the object

3. Which force is directly proportional to the normal reaction between contacting surfaces ?
a) Pulling force
b) Puhing force
c) Frictional force
d) Allied force

4. Which one of the following acts in between the wheels and roads, if vehicles are able to run on roads>?
a) Friction
b) Corrosion
c) Erosion
d) Motion

5. Which is useful friction?
a) Rings in the cylinder
b) Crank shaft bearings
c) Wheel hub bearings
d) Brake shoe lining

6. Which is wasteful friction?
a) Rear axle gear
b) Tyres on the floor
c) Brake shoe lining
d) Clutch lining

7. Which depends on the frictional force?
a) Type of metals
b) Contact surfaces
c) Quantity of the contacting metals
d) Quality of metals

8. How co-efficient of friction is expressed?
a) It is expressed as the ratio of force and area
b) It is the ratio between frictional force and normal reaction
c) It is the ratio betweem normal reaction and the mass of the object
d) It is expressed as the ratio of weight and normal reaction

9.What kind of friction is called if two objects are in contact at rest?
a) Sliding friction
b) Rolling friction
c) Static friction
d) Angular friction

10. Which is the correct statement?
a) Limiting friction is equal to sliding friction
b) Rolling friction is more than the sliding friction
c) Sliding friction is always less than limiting friction
d) Limiting friction is always less than sliding friction

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