Computer (Hindi)

DBMS MCQ in Hindi [PDF] Database Questions and Answers

DBMS MCQ in Hindi. Database Questions and answers with PDF. Database management System objective multiple choice question answer for all computer related competitive exams. DBMS MCQ in Hindi 1. Integrity constraints को डिफाइन करने के लिए इनमे से किस भाषा का प्रयोग किया जाता है ? a) DDL b) DCL c) DML d) None Ans. […]

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VBA MCQ in Hindi [PDF] 85 Top Exam Questions and Answers

VBA MCQ in Hindi. Visual basic for application excel Questions and Answers with PDF. Helpful for Online Quiz, test exam and competitive exams. VBA MCQ in Hindi 1. VBA में किसी चर का नाम कितने अक्षरों से अधिक नहीं होना चाहिए ? a) 256             b) 255 c) 323             d) 823 Ans. b 2. CLI का

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MS Word MCQ in Hindi [PDF] Competitive Questions and Answers

MS word MCQ in Hindi. Microsoft word objective Questions and answers for competitive exams with PDF. MS Office related Multiple choice MCQs. MS Word MCQ in Hindi 1. MS Word की विशेषताए क्या है ? a) spelling checking b) graphics insert कर सकते है c) दोनों d) इनमे से कोई नहीं Ans. c 2. Page

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MS Excel MCQ in Hindi [PDF] Computer Questions and Answers

MS Excel MCQ in Hindi. Spreadsheet questions and answers pdf. Microsoft office related multiple choice objective type Question for competitive exams. MS Excel MCQ in Hindi 1. Worksheet किनका समूह होती है ?a) Column b) Cells c) Box d) Formula Ans. b 2. निम्न में से स्प्रेडशीट का प्रकार है a) Lotus 1-2-3 b) MS

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Computer History MCQ in Hindi [PDF] Questions and Answers

Computer history MCQ in Hindi. Generation of computers questions and answers with pdf. Objective Multiple choice Question answer for competitive exams. Computer History MCQ in Hindi 1. EDVAC की फुल फॉर्म क्या है ? a) electronic discrete variable automatic calculator b) electronic discrete variable automatic computer c) electronic data variable automatic d) electronic data variable

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Cyber Security MCQ in Hindi [PDF] Questions for competitive exam

Cyber security MCQ in Hindi. Network Security Questions and answers with PDF. Most important Computer MCQs objective Question answer for competitive exams. Cyber Security MCQ in Hindi 1. इनफार्मेशन security में CIA की फुल फॉर्म क्या है ? A)Confidentiality Integrity Availability B)Criminal Investigation Agency C)Cost Information Agency D)Credit Integrity Assessment Ans. a 2. Wi-Fi को

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