ITI workshop calculation and science Book PDF Download [Free]

ITI workshop calculation and science book pdf download

ITI workshop calculation and science book pdf download Free for all CTS technical and engineering trades. It is a common subject for all Engineering Trade students. Best ITI Math book pdf for Fitter, Electrician, Plumber, welder, wireman, turner etc.

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ITI workshop calculation and science syllabus

WCS mathematics /math syllabus for 1st year with pdf based on NSQF Level 5 for Fitter, Turner, Machinist, Mechanic (Refrigeration & Air-conditioner), Mechanic Motor Vehicle, Draughtsman (Civil), Draughtsman (Mechanical), Painter General, Plumber etc.

Unit Measurement मात्रक : System of unit – FPS, CGS, MKS/SI unit, unit of length, Mass and time, Conversion of units.(इसमें हमें वस्तुओं को मापने, तोलने के बारे में पढना है की दुरी को कैसे कैसे माप सकते है जैसे : 25km, 20mm, 25 cm etc.)
Fractions  भिन्न : इसमें साधारण भिन्न, दशमलव भिन्न, लघुत्तम समापवर्तक और महतम समापवर्तक (LCM&HCF) के बारे में पढ़ते है
Square Rootवर्गमूल : वर्ग और वर्गमूल निकालने के तरीकों के बारे में जानेंगे
Ratio & Proportionअनुपात तथा समानुपात  जैसे : 2:3, 1:1, 5:5 etc.
Material Scienceधातुएं : धातु के भौतिक एवं यांत्रिक गुण, उसके विभिन्न प्रकारों की तुलना, लोह एवं अलोह मिश्र धातुएं और उनका परिचय
Mass, Weight and Densityसंहति, भार तथा घनत्व : द्रव्यमान ज्ञात करना, आर्कमिडीज सिद्धांत(Difference between mass and weight, Density, unit of density, specific gravity of metals)
Speed and Velocityगति एवं वेग : गति के समीकरण, न्यूटन के गति के नियम
Work, Power and Energyकार्य, शक्ति तथा उर्जा  (work, unit of work, power, unit of power, Horse power of engines, mechanical efficiency, energy, use of energy, potential and kinetic energy, examples of potential energy and kinetic energy.)
Algebraबीजगणित (Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division, Algebraic formula, Linear equations (with two variables).)
Mensurationक्षेत्रफल और आयतन को मापना (वृत, आयत, त्रिभुज, बेलन आदि का )
Trignometeryत्रिकोणमिति : इसमें sin, cos, tan, cosec थीटा जैसे प्रश्न आते है
Heat & Temparatureऊष्मा तथा तापमान (Heat and temperature, their units, difference between heat and temperature, boiling point, melting point, scale of temperature, relation between different scale of temperature, Thermometer, Pyrometer, transmission of heat, conduction, convection, radiation.)
Basic Electricityविद्युत तथा ओहम का नियम (Introduction, use of electricity, how electricity is produced, Types of current AC, DC, their comparison, voltage, resistance, their units, Conductor, insulator, Types or connections-series, parallel, electric power, Horse power, energy, unit of electrical energy.)
Levers and Simple Machinesसाधारण मशीन (Simple machines, Effort and load, Mechanical Advantage, Velocity Ratio, Efficiency of machine, Relationship between Efficiency, velocity ratio and Mechanical Advantage.)
Syllabus PDFDownload