WordPress MCQ Questions and Answers PDF [Top 100 MCQs]

WordPress MCQ Questions and answers PDF. Most important MCQs, helpful for Web developer online exam & Interview Question, ITI COPA National skills competition and other Computer exams. These Multiple Choice Question will help the students to test their skills and to enhance their knowledge of WordPress.

It is a free and open-source CMS (Content Management System) that is written in PHP programming and paired with a MySQL or MariaDB database and is free to use. WordPress was initially released on 27th May 2003 by Matt Mullenweg and Mike Little.

WordPress MCQ Questions

1. WordPress is a _____.

a) Content Management System

b) Blogger

c) Programming Language

d) All of these

Ans. A

2. Which type of data can be stored in WordPress as media?

a) Text

b) Document

c) Music

d) All of these

Ans. D

3. When was WordPress released?

a) May 2003

b) July 2003

c) May 2001

d) None of these

Ans. A

4. Which of these is a free WordPress domain name provided to WordPress.com users?

a) yoursite.wordpress.org

b) yoursite.org

c) yoursite.wordpress.com

d) None of these

Ans. C

5. Which of these fields is not required to be filled while first installing the WordPress?

a) Site title

b) Username

c) Post

d) All of these

Ans. C

6. What is the default post category for WordPress?

a) The first category added on WordPress

b) Uncategorized

c) No category

d) None of these

Ans. B

7. What content of post can be displayed in the feed?

a) Full post

b) Summary of Post

c) Optional both A and B

d) None of these

Ans. C

8. Where can you find permalink settings in WordPress?

a) Setting > Permalinks

b) about > Permalinks

c) Tools > Links > Permalinks

d) None of these

Ans. A

9. Plugins in WordPress are used to _____.

a) Easily modify, customize or enhance WordPress sites

b) Change UI of the dashboard

c) add a new address to the website

d) All of these

Ans. A

10. All plugin installed on WordPress can be viewed at?

a) plugin > add plugin

b) setting > plugin

c) plugins > installed plugin

d) None of these

Ans. C

11. What are avatars in WordPress?

a) A small image that is displayed beside the name of the user

b) Name of creator

c) A 3D graphic of a user in WordPress

d) None of these

Ans. A

12. Which of these is an option to set permalink in WordPress?

a) Updating using day and name       

b) Updating using month and name

c) Updating using number                 

d) All of these

Ans. D

13. Plugin update is used to  _____.

a) Update some parts of plugins code based on the requirement.

b) Install an updated version

c) Add a new file to the plugin

d) All of these

Ans. B

14. Which of these plugins are used to check traffic on the WordPress website?

a) All in One SEO       

b) Yoast

c) Jet Pack                  

d) All of these

Ans. D

15. Which of these is an anti-spam plugin in WordPress?

a) Akismet

b) BuddyPress

c) WP Forms

d) None of these

Ans. A

16. Which of these is not a WordPress plugin for social media?

a) WP forms

b) Revive social

c) Smash Ballon

d) All of these

Ans. A

17. MainPoet plugin in WordPress used to?

a) Read mails on WordPress

b) Send all info via main in WordPress

c) Create and sent the newsletter, welcome emails, etc from WordPress

d) None of these

Ans. C

18. Classic editor in WordPress is used to _____.

a) Change editor UI to the old style

b) Add editor to WordPress site

c) Create a new editing site

d) None of these

Ans. A

19. Jetpack plugin in WordPress is used to _____.

a) Improve WordPress security                                 

b) Increase website speed

c) Provide analytics of traffic on the site                  

d) All of these

Ans. D

20. How to delete a WordPress plugin from WordPress?

a) Plugin > installed plugin > uninstall

b) Plugin > installed plugin > deactivate > uninstall

c) plugin > plugin editor > remove

d) None of these

Ans. B

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